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Cogoleto, March 09th, 2014.
It all began during the last monthts of 2013 when, after visiting his amateur website, i sent an e-mail with a request for information to Alessandro (IZ1REU). He is a radio amateur, like me, and until then none of us knew of the existence of the other. That's how we met, with his answer to my e-mail. An exquisite person indeed: after we spoke on the phone he invited me to the Marc exposition held in December and then we met in person. On that occasion, he introduced me to another radio amateur named Alessandro (IZ1PKI), in turn passionate about meteorology. They both have given me general but fundamental information on how to purchase what I need to prepare my future weather station, on how to place it and on how to do in order to share data on the internet. Following this I have come into contact with Filippo of Eurowebcam. He turned out to be an excellent person too: he constantly followed me during the purchase of the camera and the assembly and setup both of the weather station and the camera itself, indulgently enduring my constant requests for help. I am not exaggerating if I say that he has had extraordinary patience. Sometimes, with subtle irony, he pointed out my major shortcomings in the computer field. I enjoyed this aspect: laughing and joking while remaining serious and professional at work is rare quality! For the creation of this website I have been essentially assisted by Bruno (IK1OUK), without which it would have seen the light in a much longer time and definitely poorer results. My friendship with Bruno was born recently (something more unique than rare these days: first in person and then on Facebook!) on the occasion of a radio-assistance in the edition of the "13° Rally Riviera Ligure 2014". A few days later I was at his house to get a lesson on how to strike up a website. I came out half dazed by the " full immersion" to which Bruno subjected me. I got healthy again after a therapy session of few minutes with Hannibal, the beautiful male  Riesenschnauzer of his property, which loves to be scratched behind the ears and under the throat. In the days after Bruno has played a "very, very" crucial role for the realization of the project.
Thanks to all of you!

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